get_boot_summary returns a tibble containing the model's statistics based on the coefficients estimates (boot_out) obtained via boot_type bootstrap (e.g., empirical).

get_boot_summary(mod_fit, boot_out, boot_type)



An "lm" (OLS) object.


A tibble of the model's coefficients estimated (term and estimate) on the bootstrapped datasets, the size of each bootstrapped dataset (m), the size of the original dataset (n), and the number of the bootstrap repetition (b).


A character specifying the bootstrap type. It can be be "emp" for output from comp_boot_emp, "mul" for output from comp_boot_mul, or "res" for output from comp_boot_res.


A tibble containing the summary statistics for the model: terms, coefficients estimates, t-statistics, and p-values. These statistics are based on the output of the bootstrap passed in boot_out.