for individual feature GHCN-D lagged aggregated time summaries mapped to
individual MTBS fires by specified spatial degrees over a 180 day lag period
for each fireR/fire-base-180d-sql-qry-utils.R
Wrapper function to generate a single combined or separate SQL
for individual feature GHCN-D lagged aggregated time summaries mapped to
individual MTBS fires by specified spatial degrees over a 180 day lag period
for each fire
wrap_gen_query_fire_base_ghcnd_sfeat_180d( fire_base_start_date = base::as.Date("2000-01-01"), max_lag_fire_base_days = 180, spat_deg_rad = 0.5, summary_type = "AVG", sfeat_types, out_qry_dir, out_tbl_name_pfx, fire_base_tbl_name, ind_comb_qry = TRUE )
fire_base_start_date | (date) : The minimum date to filter MTBS fire data, we will i.e. dataset will only contain MTBS fires after this date |
max_lag_fire_base_days | (integer) : The number of days for GHCN-D weather
data to lag behind the |
spat_deg_rad | (double) : The spatial degree radius to consider around each fire when joining weather data (default value is 0.5) |
summary_type | (character) : The |
sfeat_types | (character) : The GHCN-D features to summarize for each given
fire. Aggregated and lagged versions of each feature are produced e.g.
out_qry_dir | (character) : The directory to save the query. A full file path will be generated as part of the output |
ind_comb_qry | (logical) : If |
(tibble) : A single or separate SQL
files for single
GHCN features joined to MTBS fire_ids by specified spatial and temporal
if (FALSE) { library("tidyverse") wrap_gen_query_fire_base_ghcnd_sfeat_180d(fire_base_start_date = base::as.Date("2000-01-01"), max_lag_fire_base_days = 180, spat_deg_rad = 0.5, summary_type = "AVG", sfeat_types = c("TOBS", "TMIN", "TMAX"), out_qry_dir = ".", out_tbl_name_pfx = "mtbs", fire_base_tbl_name = "mtbs_base_01", ind_comb_qry = TRUE) }